About WFW

2015_101BestSitesWomen’s Fiction Writers has been named one of Writer’s Digest’s 101 Best Websites for Writers!

Women’s Fiction Writers is a place for writers of women’s fiction to connect.

We might love chick lit, but we don’t write it. We might love romance, but we don’t write that either.  Same goes for zombies and vampires.  We write extraordinary yet realistic characters in realistic and extraordinary situations.  If our main characters have love interests, it’s a bonus.

In our books, as in all books, the main character’s journey leads to an ultimate goal.

But in our books — the main character saves herself.

I’ve been writing women’s fiction since 2007 and had not come upon a genre-specific group that met my needs.  So like my main characters, I figured I’d just have to make it happen myself.

Oh, and here we focus mainly on traditionally published authors and their traditionally published books — being it large, medium, small or e-publisher — if you have been published by someone else — email me about being interviewed. Check the list of participating authors, you’ll be in great company!  If you’re self-published, consider writing a craft post as a way to be featured.

Either way, we’re all after the same thing…great women’s fiction with all its permutations and detours, with its touches of romance, magic, literary prose or humor — or anything else!


95 thoughts on “About WFW

  1. Hi Amy! This is a great site. I write women’s fiction too. The authors I love most address real women’s issues while still being funny, like Marian Keyes and Jennifer Weiner. I’m rewriting my manuscript right now (again!) and have been working on it for two years. But I hope to finish and begin the agent search again very soon. Nice to meet you =)


  2. Amy! I love your new site! This is awesome, and the sentence about women saving themselves…love love love that. It actually just drove home something I have to do in my current new wip. This is a fantastic place, like finding a wonderful old chair and a quilt and curling up with some spiced tea. I’ll be back!


  3. Hi– This site/blog is GREAT! I’m so glad I found it.

    “I’ve been writing women’s fiction for about four years now and have not come upon a genre-specific group that meets my needs. So like my main characters, I figured I’d just have to make it happen myself.”

    LOVE THIS! I feel the same way. I started writing women’s fiction not quite a year ago, and I have many, many wonderful writer friends who write romance and paranormal romance. But I’ve yet to come across a community that fits so perfectly with the market I’m currently targeted.

    Thank you so much for this blog!



  4. Love this blog! I’m a newbie women’s fiction writer, so much of the information here interests to me. Thanks for creating this!


    • Camille,

      I think I remember you from Backspace, yes? no? Welcome! I hope you’ll chime in – and maybe do an interview or guest post if you’re interested. I think I also remember you have a book coming out!

      All the best,


      • Hi all,

        Love your space here….just stumbled upon it. Women that save themselves…all of our heroines do that….and how many times have we dont that ourselves?
        Thanks for being here as I research my first born.

        Kathryn A.


  5. Thanks to Jennifer Willis for tweeting about this site. I publish Susan Barnett’s fiction. She is the host of 51%, the Women’s Perspective on NPR, and author of a short story collection called “The View From Outside.”

    Do you have an RSS feed?

    Good luck,
    Rick Tannenbaum


  6. Hello,

    I was so thrilled to find this website specifically geared towards women’s fiction. I’m a newbie when it comes to writing fiction, as well as a late bloomer who’s currently pushing 50. My grad degree genre was in poetry, but I later discovered how much I wanted to write my novel.

    I absolutely love your comment on not being able to find a genre-specific group and just making it happen. Wow, women writers are so innovative -aren’t we?

    I’m looking forward to connecting with others here and hope there is room for one more. It’s nice to be in like-minded company.



  7. Thank you for your dedication to this, Amy.
    Any advice on finding a mentor for my writing? My novel Broad Street Goddesses has been revised and revised again. Just when I thought it was perfect I recieved my first rejection from an agent with some helpful tips on pumping it up. My friends, quite honestly, have had thier belly full of my requests for help, especially after the third revision. I think they feel they’re legally required to love, Love, LOVE my book, so they have no criticism for me.

    Thanks in advance for your help
    DeAnna Carol Williams


  8. Hi Amy,
    I came upon your site when I googled women’s fiction writing groups. I am looking to start/join a critique group for women writing Women’s Fiction. The group i’m in now has writers who are penning all sorts of work and I really would like to work with a group who is focused on Women’s Fiction. I have found lots of romance groups but nothing for WF.

    Any ideas on how to connect to a genre specific group?
    My email is Cerrissakim@gmail.com if anyone is interested and wants to contact me directly.
    Thanks so much and great site!!


  9. What a treasure of a blog to find!!

    When people ask what genre my novel falls into I used to always stammer trying to find an answer.

    Suspense? Yeah there’s suspense and an element of mystery but it’s more about the female protagonist’s journey.
    Romance? Sure, there’s some of that as well but that’s not the focus.
    Paranormal? No. Well, there’s this game with goddesses and monsters.
    Adventure. Lots of that but …
    Chicklit? Not really. Okay, there’s a little bit about fashion and the main charachters are in their twenties, and there’s some pop culture references but Kate really doesn’t like to wear high heels.

    and on and on

    I liked the definition above “In our books, as in all books, the main character’s journey leads to an ultimate goal. But in our books — the main character saves herself.”

    Yea!!! Now I know what to say.


  10. Yair…hello folks, are blokes allowed on here? I am an old(ish) Australian bushman working on a hundred thousand word work of contemporary Australian Outback Women’s fiction…written in the first person from the male perspective.

    ….uumm does that sound reasonable?


  11. HI, I like your blog a lot! I write Regency historical romance for St. Martin’s Press, and I have to say that I’ve found that in the romances of at least the past decade, the female protagonist saves herself, too. Only then can she make a true love connection. So the idea of the empowered woman is not limited to women’s fiction. I also see it in a lot of chick lit.

    Ladies, let it be said that women are taking care of business across MANY genres!!!

    And yay for that.



  12. I am so glad that I found this blog! I am in the beginning stages of writing my first women’s fiction novel. Actually, this is my very first time writing a novel period. So I’m very excited about stumbling upon your site while searching for information about women’s fiction. I’ll be a regular reader. 🙂


  13. I wish I had found this site months ago when I started the querying process! I didn’t really know what genre my work was – it had elements of fantasy, but wasn’t fantasy; had elements of romance, but wasn’t a romance. You describe it so well – it’s women’s literature! Thank you for this site! It’s wonderful!


  14. Hi. I’m new to this site (as of this morning) and had put my Women’s Fiction stories from Europe on the shelf in order to finish a Romantic Suspense. Now I’m ready to bring back the women. I loved reading that a woman’s ultimate goal is save herself. A question though. How far does/can the romance go in Women’s Fiction? For sure no spicy love scenes right?
    Thank you for this site. I will be a faithful follower.


    • Look into Mary Mackey and Rowena Williamson. Mary was one of my CW professors at Sac State – her many historical fictions are so well researched, and characters so convincing, it leaves you thinking, this has GOT to be a biography. Same thing with Rowena’s work. She’s fairly new on the published writer scene, but there’s more coming in the form of sequels. Check them out – you won’t be sorry!


  15. Such fun. I followed a link — don’t we love links that point us to new friends? — from Writer Unboxed on Facebook and found this delightful blog. I write WF from a sailor’s perspective, but I’m also an acquiring editor for an indie press–tradional, not self–which means, I’m always looking for quality fiction that fits into our guidelines. (She rubs her palms together and grins.)


  16. After reading this I will get the piles of papers down from the shelf & begin to finish the stories I started about seven women from seven different countries who meet by chance one
    Happy writing.


  17. I’ve written my first novel, currently on Amazon Kindle and book form called A WINTER DANDELION. It’s definately Contemporary Women’s Fiction. It’s doing very well and I have an agent reading it now. I’m happy to have found this site and excited to meet other indie writers. Thanks so much for helping us all connect!


  18. I found you through Andrea Hurst who will be doing an interview with you on her blog: Andrea Hurst Literay Management. This is a wonderful new site and from the response you are getting, it looks like you have already created what the genre requires: women saving themselves. Well Done and best wishes on this new endeavor. May it live long and inspire many.


    • AH! I received your email before seeing your comments. I was confused because WFW is about 14 months old, so to me, it’s not new anymore. But I understand it’s new to you! I’m happy to look at info about any WF authors – just send me the links and I’ll poke around on the author’s website and see if it’s a good fit. Thanks for chiming in, and welcome!!

      ~ Amy 🙂


  19. “In our books, as in all books, the main character’s journey leads to an ultimate goal.

    “But in our books — the main character saves herself.”

    You bet. : ) LOVE this! : )


  20. I am new to this wonderful writing world. I have a completed MS. Yes, I believe it is women’s fiction, but I am so confused and wonder and hope that I fit in somewhere that is willing to represent me!!! I took a handful of years to put my ‘baby’ on paper and have lived with my characters all the while! Now it seems that I am nervous, anxious, petrified, all of the emotional stuff, that goes along with trying to find an agent or publisher! I know of other authors who have self-published their work and have fallen short of their expectations. I like the idea that women’s fiction somehow reveals the main character saving themselves in the end. Just wish someone would throw this dog a bone and give me a shot!! Tell me what I NEED to hear, not what I WANT to hear!! That’s the hardest thing to say, because it may not be good news in the end. So I hope this is still an active blog. Oh, this is my very first time replying to a blog, too. So advice, inspriation, help, I’m open to it all!
    With every good wish, I am,


  21. I have been lurking for a short while on your wonderful website, Amy, and I send kudos your way for founding it. I am currently working on my first novel (which, incidentally, fits your WFW’s description, ha) so WFW has been a great and inspiring resource for me. I love reading other writers’ stories — as in their biographies and also excerpts of their work. Keep up the good work!


  22. Great site, Amy. Too many stories still require the female lead to be “saved” by someone else. It’s annoying. I write about “kick butt heroines,” because, let’s face it. they are much more interesting and I can identify with them. Thanks for hosting the site.


  23. FAB post on Susan Wiggs. Know her…GREAT lady! I am excited to find this site. I just completed my first novel which has been professionally edited. Now to publish it…find an agent, self pub/e-pub? Not sure!


      • Hi Amy!
        Thanks for the warm welcome:o) I am at the point of choosing a publisher foir my Forever One and it is a daunting process. Any recommendations for contemporary single title romance?


      • Hey Ginny! I only have experience with agents and traditional publishers, because that was the route I chose – it was best for me. I know if you’re looking for a small or e-publisher that there are many out there — you might want to peruse the archives because many of the WFW guests had e-publishers or small presses.


  24. “Hey” Ginny? Are you from the south, Amy? My heritage is and I graduated from a university down south and southerners say “Hey” instead of HI! :o))
    I would love to go the more traditional route of pubbing /agents if I could find an agent who woud accept me!


  25. I had no idea that I had a genre! I write women’s fiction. I thought that the only place for my work was under the category of literary fiction. You have written a beautiful definition. Is it beautiful to me because it includes me? Maybe. In any case, you have made me happy with your blog and I will return.


  26. Hi Amy! So happy that I clicked on that link and found your site! I’m rewriting my historical novel-length manuscript (women’s fiction) and I’m still in love with my heroine(s)! Praying that this is my/her year 🙂 All the best to you, can’t wait to read your novel when it comes out~ Congrats!


  27. I’ve just decided to self-publish my women’s fiction and love the idea of a blog devoted to it. I’m writing about women in their late fifties instead of ingenues in NYC. What depth of wisdom and knowledge we–and our characters–have gained and can share!


  28. Hi Amy,
    I have been followin WFW for quite a fdw months now and have to tell you how much I enjoy it. I belong to a great writers group here on Marco Island, FL, but no one else is writing women’s fiction except me… so I come to this blog for my women’s fiction boost. Thanks


  29. Hello. I’m so glad I “stumbled” upon your blog. I am motivated after reading each interview. I think I’ve found my home. I’m writing my first novel and have been greatly aided by the info shared by my sister writers. Thanks for being there.


  30. Hi, Amy! Just finished Glass Wives—loved it!!! Also, thanks to this site and your recommendation, I picked up a copy of The Repeat Year. Can’t wait to get to the end!!!! Kelly


  31. Hi Amy, I just bought The Glass Wives for my Kindle and am excited to read it. I’m currently writing a fiction novel and have struggled with pinning it into a genre … thanks to you, I’ve found it. The book will be published early next year, it’s titled “Family Focus” and fits perfectly into the Women’s Fiction category. Thanks, I’ve also subscribed to your blog on email and will follow you and the others here. You made my day! Kathy Lapeyre


  32. Delighted by your opening thoughts! Since I specialize in looking for real people behind iconic myths, I also don’t fall into chick litor thriller or romance–though my best known works are The Guinevere Trilogy published by Sourcebooks. Am looking forward to following you in the future.


  33. Dear Amy, What a pleasure to find your blog. I translate Italian women’s fiction into English and am thrilled to find a blog that helps me feel the pulse among readers on your side of the ocean. WFW is on my “favorites” list starting today!


  34. I found you as a reference on another org site. I have been writing and as so many of your blog members I could not find a category that fit my stories. I am so glad to find someone that feels like you do about traditional publishing. Many have encouraged me to self-publish but I just in the back of my mind felt what was best for me was traditional. I’ll be keeping a close watch on this blog. I have a finished MS but I’ve already found several things I want/need to change to bring more clearly the Main character is saving herself. Thanks so much for being here.


  35. I heard you speak a few times at the James River Writers Conference. I was excited to learn about your blog and am enjoying perusing it. Thank for putting it together and coming to the conference.


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