About Amy Sue Nathan

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I’m Amy Sue Nathan, and my second novel, THE GOOD NEIGHBOR, will be published by St. Martin’s Griffin on October 13, 2015. My debut novel, THE GLASS WIVES, was published by St. Martin’s Griffin on May 14, 2013.  I’m represented by Danielle Egan-Miller of Browne & Miller Literary Associates.

I’ve been blogging in various capacities and at different personal and professional blogs since 2006. In 2011 I launched the Women’s Fiction Writers blog, and just four years later it was named one of Writer’s Digest’s 101 Best Websites for Writers. I teach workshops for Writers Digest University and work as a freelance fiction editor and writing coach. My stories and essays have appeared in print and online in over two dozen national and regional publications including The Chicago Tribune, Chicago Parent, and the New York Times Online.

I was born and raised in Philadelphia and am a graduate of Temple University with a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism.  I’ve also lived in Hershey, PA, Maplewood, NJ, Cleveland, OH, and Tucson, AZ. I’ve called the Chicago area home since the late 1990s, and am the proud mom of  two grown children (my favorite oxymoron). Along with being a life-long writer, I’m a dog-lover, vegetarian, and not-so-secret crafter.

Here’s a sneak peek at THE GOOD NEIGHBOR:

Things are tough for Izzy Lane. Still reeling from the break-up of her marriage, the almost forty-year old moves back to the Philadelphia home she grew up in, with five-year-old Noah in tow. The transition is hard, but with the help of her two best friends—not to mention her elderly neighbor, Mrs. Feldman—Izzy is coping with her life as a newly single mom. Until, that is, her ex-husband shows up with his girlfriend. That’s when Izzy invents a boyfriend of her own. And that’s when things get complicated.

Blogging about her new guy provides Izzy with an anonymous outlet, something harmless to do when Noah’s asleep and she’s figuring out her new life. When her blog soars in popularity and she’s given the opportunity to moonlight as an online dating expert, Izzy grabs it. How hard could it be to keep up the façade? But then her friends want to meet the mysterious “Mac,” someone online suspects Izzy’s a fraud, and a guy in-real-life catches her eye. That’s when Izzy realizes what’s at stake: friendship, love, and a job she’s come to count on. Not until a heart-to-heart talk with Mrs. Feldman does Izzy understand the havoc that lies can wreak. Izzy knows if she’s honest, she could lose it all. Is the truth worth any cost? Or is it already too late?


And here’s a little about THE GLASS WIVES:

When a tragic accident ends the life of Richard Glass, it upends the lives of ex-wife, Evie, second wife, Nicole, and their children. Still, there’s no love lost between the ex and the new widow. In fact, Evie sees a silver lining in the heartache—the chance to move forward without Nicole in their lives, as soon as they finish sitting shiva. But Evie wasn’t counting on her children’s bond with their baby brother, and she certainly wasn’t counting on Nicole’s profound need to hang on to the threads of family, no matter how frayed.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, they say. And what happens next is living proof of the desperate state of these Glass wives. Evie and Nicole, both emotionally and financially spent by Richard’s death, agree to share living expenses—and Evie’s house. The arrangement, purely financial in Evie’s mind, has its benefits, such as a live-in babysitter. But it also exposes a secret, causing a rift between Evie and her closest friends. But when Evie suspects that Nicole is determined to rearrange more than her kitchen, she has to decide whom she can trust. More than that, she has to decide what makes a family.

51 thoughts on “About Amy Sue Nathan

  1. Am thrilled to find this blog! Talk Before Sleep by Elizabeth Berg is one of my all-time favorites. I would add Anna Quindlen, Cathy Holton and Ann Patchett, and can’t wait to read your list of Authors to Consider. Thanks!!


  2. Great first comment up there! Berg is my most favorite author, and I’m *currently* reading Talk Before Sleep. Love that little nudge of coincidence.

    Anna Quindlen is also a favorite of mine, and I’m inspired by how she has her hand in women’s fiction, essays, narrative non-fiction, and columns.


  3. How great to find this informative blog! Because I read and am also published in the women’s fiction genre. It is also timely because next month I’ll be doing a workshop at the Write on the River conference in Washington state that I’ve titled “The Mystique of Women’s Fiction.” It is indeed confusing to readers and writers alike and I feel you did a super job with your explanation and definition of this genre, Amy. Look forward to your future posts.


    • Terri, welcome! How exciting to know there’s a workshop on women’s fiction — I only wish it was in Chicago! I’m scheduling published women’s fiction authors for Q&As and guest posts and would LOVE to include you. Let me know if you’re interested! And…I just visited your website and added Spinning Forward to my TBR list. With all the new-to-me authors I’m learning about, I’m not sure how I’m going to finish these revisions on my book — but my agent is waiting (and hopefully so are readers)!



      • Absolutely, Amy! Thank you for the invite…I’d be very interested in doing Q&A’s and also a guest post. If it’s okay with you, I plan to mention you and your blog at my workshop and I’ll put your URL on my hand-outs.


  4. I’m so glad I found your blog! I write Women’s Fiction and I’ve been finding a ton of blogs with YA writers, but not a lot of Women’s Fiction. Looking forward to reading more! 🙂


  5. I am working on my novel, Park Slope, which is women’s fiction, and am happy to have found your site! It will be done in October, then time to polish my query letter and find an agent!


    • Congrats, Karoline. Getting to the point of querying is so exciting. After so many months (or years) of writing and revising and rewriting and revising again — it’s the next step!!!

      Hope you’ll visit us again! 🙂


  6. Passed on 3 blog awards to you today – Kreativ, Inspiring & 7×7. I know you’re busy and already successful, so I don’t expect you to deal with them, just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your blog!!!


  7. Not a comment but a quest. Ready to sub an 80k WF to Agents/ Publishers, but am finding the list of those accepting Women’s Fiction slim. And to make things more difficult, of those that are interested in WF, most are refusing unsolicited queries. My list gets smaller each time I sub.
    The most shocking is Greyhouse, which last October listed its e-mail address & requirements, but no longer does.
    So far I’ve subbed to Inkwell and BookEnds
    Anyone care to comment?
    Chloe Blaire


  8. Hi Chloe. I am also shopping for an agent for my WF. I have one agent with a partial ms. and one with the full ms. right now. I have a list of 121 agents that all took unsolicited WF queries, including Scott Eagan at Greyhaus. He started accepting queries as of March 1, unless he is closed again. I would be happy to email you my list of agents if you like. My email is karolineb@ymail.com.


  9. Hello!

    I stumbled across your blog after finding you on Andrea Hurst’s site — I just sent her the first 50 pp of my novel – fingers crossed! : )

    You’ve got some good stuff here- informative posts (my 17-year-old daughter also gave me pointers on my book, using her Honors and AP English-based insights just like yours – ha!), and terrific interviews.

    I’m in!

    : )


  10. Hi! I am new, too! I sent about 70 queries for my first novel, and have listed the agencies on my blog. They are all places that accepted unsolicited queries. Not positive about whether they take WF, I thought that my work was literary fiction until I read Amy’s blog today. Thanks, Amy!


    • Hi Susan! You’re listing the agencies you’re querying and the rejections on your blog? I’m curious why you would do that in such full disclosure mode. Do you think if an agent who falls in love with your manuscript might look at that list and wonder why all the others said no, or why he or she was #78 and not the 12th choice? There is no right or wrong of course. You have to do what works for you.

      I sent well over 100 queries from January to October 2010. Found my agent around March or April through a contest, but didn’t sign til October so of course, kept querying until it was a done deal. I totally understand the drive to continue. And remember, just because your women’s fiction manuscript is WF doesn’t mean it’s not literary. There’s a lot of overlap in genres, so don’t pigeonhole yourself! I am starting to prefer the term book club fiction for my own work, along with WF.

      Happy Holidays!
      Amy 🙂


      • Hi, Amy. That’s an interesting question. If I were looking for a mate, I would certainly not list the men who rejected me. This feels completely different.

        Oh, no, wait. It seems exactly the same. I went on over one hundred blind dates when I was single. People do not do that so much anymore, but dating was different then. Almost every man in the world was the wrong guy for me. Then I met the right guy.

        I think that the same is true for agents. Most will not be right for me.

        I appreciate the input. I thought that having the list would make the page a resource for other people. If I take it down, will it mess up the internet universe? Should I not worry about it?


  11. Thanks, again. I decided not to worry. I thought that it was a pain to find the names of agents that seemed right. I hope that someone will find my list and save themselves the trouble and time. I am so happy to be writing again. After a few months of marketing and reading about the industry I am back where I want to be. Now, though, I have found a community of writers. This is lovely. Thank you for the encouragement.


  12. I found your blog while reading Writer Unboxed. I read Ms. Nash’s article and fell in love with her and your site. I’m always interested in finding sites that can help my writing skills. I’m in the process of writing those dreaded (for me) query letters to find an agent. I self-pulbished my first book, but I don’t want to do that again.


  13. Hello Amy! My name is Karin Brown and I am the Public Relations Manager for an online women’s magazine called Miss Millennia Magazine, For the Woman Who Wants It All, located at MissMillMag.com. Our theme for the month of October is Literature and we would love to have a published and accomplished female author as our Cover Girl! Email me if you are interested in being involved in our mission!


  14. Oh blog, where have you been all my life! Finally, I’ve found a sisterhood of women who love the books I love: well-written fiction about REAL women. Ahhhh. It feels good to be home.


  15. I have to say, the tag: “no heroes. no zombies. no high heels. well, maybe high heels.” bothers me a bit. I am a woman, I am a fiction writer and I write about heroes and zombies at times. It kind of sends the message that only men write about those subjects. Sorry, I don’t mean to stir anything, I just don’t see how or why women and zombies and heroes don’t mix.


    • They don’t mix for me, on this blog, Shannon. Women can and do write many things. This is a WOMEN’S FICTION WRITERS blog. Not a women writers blog. I’ve had men on here who write women’s fiction.

      Make sense now? 😉

      (And the beauty of having your own blog or website–which you likely know–is that the rules are yours and yours alone!)

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Hi Amy

    Great resource for women’s fiction writers here, thank you. We’ve included your blog in our uber-list ‘151 must-visit writing websites’. Do have a look and let us know your thoughts, and share it too if you like. You can find it via our blog.

    Happy Writing 🙂
    Jordan Kantey
    Now Novel

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I could spend all day here, Amy. What a beautiful site. Delighted to be “bound” in writing with you. My first WF is set for release next February and the second is on sub as we speak. Can’t wait to read The Good Neighbor- congratulations!


  18. I enjoyed your recent article in Writer’s Digest – Making More Room for Writing. Thanks for some good reminders and suggestions. I think that I might have to follow Cathy Lamb’s approach and stay up a little later at night!


  19. Hi Amy! I just finished another article in the October issue of Writer’s Digest. When I finished it and saw who wrote it (backwards, I know), I thought – ‘Hey! I know her!’ Well, in an online, wordpress kind of way. 🙂 Once again I appreciate your advice as I’m getting close to having my finished product. Thank you for your advice, and good luck with your new novel. I’ll make sure to put it on my reading list this fall.


    • Thank you, Lauren! Nice to *meet* you (in the online WordPress way). Good luck with finishing up your novel. Sounds like you’re close. How exciting! Pop in and keep me posted!

      And thanks for wanting to read The Good Neighbor, that means a great deal to me!

      Amy 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  20. Hi Amy
    My Temple alumni magazine just arrived today and I checked the ’80’s section to see if they listed a note that I’d published my first novel. They did but that’s when I noticed a note about Amy Sue Nathan and her new novel The Good Neighbor, plus her interesting blog. So I’ve signed up for your blog – it looks so fun! I want to read your book. And I just learned about the women writing association through your interview here! What a great discovery on a cold, snowy Sunday!

    Janet Roberts

    Liked by 1 person

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